Action routines create and return beaver.Symbol
s, which become directly accessible via symbol aliases. So, if the AST nodes descend from
and fulfill nonterminal symbols' contract (they must call Symbol's protected default constructor), they - the nodes - can be
created and returned directly by action routines. Once a node was returned by an action routine, parser shifts it on the stack and it becomes accessible as a
symbol of some other production's right-hand side. Now that production action routine will be able to reference it and, in its turn, attach to the higher level
node it creates.
For example look at the following classes that define nodes for the AST of a simple expression:
Symbol Node Expr NumExpr BinExpr MultExpr DivExpr PlusExpr MinusExpr
The two interesting classes are NumExpr
and BinExpr
public class NumExpr extends Expr { public final int value; public NumExpr(Number value) { super(); // "I'm a nonterminal" this.value = value.intValue(); } } public abstract class BinExpr extends Expr { public final Expr l; public final Expr r; protected BinExpr(Expr left, Expr right) { super(); // "I'm a nonterminal too" l = left; r = right; } }
Having these AST classes in mind we can build a tree as part of the translation process like this:
%% %left RPAREN; %left MULT, DIV; %left PLUS, MINUS; %typeof NUMBER = "Number"; %typeof expr = "Expr"; %% expr = expr.a MULT expr.b {: return new MultExpr (a, b); :} | expr.a DIV expr.b {: return new DivExpr (a, b); :} | expr.a PLUS expr.b {: return new PlusExpr (a, b); :} | expr.a MINUS expr.b {: return new MinusExpr(a, b); :} | NUMBER.n {: return new NumExpr (n); :} | LPAREN expr.e RPAREN {: return e; :} ;
For further details take a look at examples/expr/tree
, where this case is implemented, and which also shows the TreeWalker
for this AST
and how a simple stack based calculator is using the walker to actually do calculations. There is also another walker in the example that prints the tree and all the
information it can get from the AST nodes.